Senarai Lokasi Saringan Komuniti COVID-19
Selangor 2025
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Belanjawan Selangor 2020
The latest COVID-19 Management Guidelines can be accessed at
Bersama YAB PMX bersama anak-anak muda Selangor
Insya-Allah esok YAB PMX akan bersama anak-anak muda Selangor dan penggerak p-hailing negeri ini di program dialog Temu Anwar, di Laman MBPJ, Petaling Jaya, Selangor jam 12.30 tengah hari.
The Sun Daily: Jualan Ehsan Rahmah expanded to 12 locations starting Aug 1
“The expansion of this initiative is also to cushion the impact if there is an increase in the price of goods. If there is a favourable response and the situation requires, we will add up to 15 locations a day." - PKPS group chief executive officer Dr Mohamad Khairil Mohamad Razi
Sinar Harian: Meterai kerjasama tubuh Dana Penjana Selangor
PNSB dalam satu kenyataan memaklumkan usaha itu didokong kerajaan Persekutuan dan kerajaan negeri Selangor dan MoU antara PNSB bersama Sidec dengan Penjana Kapital diadakan di Pejabat Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Malaysia, Bukit Kiara, Kuala Lumpur.
Bersama warga Tanjong Karang
Malam semalam, bersama warga Tanjong Karang dalam Majlis Sambutan Maal Hijrah 1445H Perpaduan Tanjong Karang.
Pelancaran Jentera Pilihan Raya DUN N18 Hulu Kelang
Laungan Perpaduan terus bergema di Hulu Kelang semalam dalam majlis Pelancaran Jentera Pilihan Raya DUN N18 Hulu Kelang.
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The Sun Daily: Bolster public-private partnership to expedite infrastructure development under 12MP MTR - Amirudin
He said this is to ensure that development, especially in the country’s major infrastructure aspects such as ports, highways and so on, is integrated with private sector initiatives, not just in the form of privatisation but through joint ventures with government planning.
NST: Strengthen roles of state and local governments, says Selangor MB
Meanwhile, Amirudin also hoped that the government would look into the future of Malaysia Plans and shift its focus from not only infrastructure development projects by the government but also combining efforts with the private sector and companies.
Astro Awani: Siar secara langsung prosiding penjelasan kes DNAA Zahid - Amirudin
Menurutnya, beliau berharap Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Parlimen (JKPK) Hak Asasi Manusia, Pilihan Raya dan Reformasi Institusi memberi pertimbangan kepada cadangan tersebut kerana kes itu sudah menjadi isu rakyat.
Astro Awani: 11 new transportation, logistics projects introduced - PM
The projects in question are the construction of Pan Borneo Highway Sabah Phase 1B; Penang Light Rail Transit (LRT) Project; expansion of Penang International Airport; redevelopment of Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport, Subang; and the upgrade of the East-West Highway from Gerik, Perak to Jeli, Kelantan.
Astro Awani: Tumpuan pembentangan kajian separuh penggal RMK ke-12
Pada mesyuarat ini, Ahli Parlimen wajar menunjukkan solidariti menyokong usul khas Perdana Menteri walaupun berbeza parti dan ideologi perjuangan kerana matlamat utama perlu difikirkan adalah bagaimana untuk memastikan RMK-12 dapat dijayakan dengan berkesan demi mewujudkan kestabilan dan kemakmuran negara.
Malay Mail: DOE activates action plans following unhealthy air quality in several areas, says its D-G
“However, the increase in API readings in Shah Alam was due to the open burning activities in areas close to the monitoring stations,” - Department of Environment (DOE) director-general Datuk Wan Abdul Latiff Wan Jaafar
Selangor Kini: Malaysia-Kanada perkukuh kerjasama, perkasa ekonomi hijau, kecerdasan buatan
“Kesepakatan turut dicapai dalam mempertingkat hubungan dan kerjasama dua hala di antara Malaysia dan Kanada ke tahap yang lebih tinggi,” katanya.
SIBS 2024: Kejayaan Gempak dengan Nilai Transaksi RM12.2 Bilion!
Sepanjang siri pertama SIBS, sebanyak 23 surat setuju terima (LOA), surat hasrat (LOI), memorandum perjanjian (MoA), dan memorandum persefahaman (MoU) telah dimeterai. Jumlah nilai transaksi daripada rundingan yang dilakukan dan pertukaran dokumen mencecah RM12.2 bilion tahun ini, melepasi sasaran RM7 bilion yang ditetapkan untuk keseluruhan SIBS 2024.
Amirudin Shari Announces High-Paying Jobs for Engineers at Selangor’s Semiconductor Park!
The semiconductor park is not just about infrastructure and technology; it’s about people. We understand that attracting and retaining top talent is crucial for the success of any high-tech initiative. That’s why we are proud to offer fresh engineering graduates salaries that are on par with those offered in Singapore and Vietnam. This move ensures that we can draw the best and brightest minds to Selangor, driving our state’s technological advancements.
Selangor Journal: Selangor, Jakoa cooperate to develop Orang Asli, focus on education — Exco
“We also want to focus on socio-economic development, including infrastructure and village road facilities like the water supply, the electricity supply, and telecommunications facilities,” - State EXCO for Orang Asli and minority affairs, V. Papparaidu.
Malay Mail: State governments have no authority to approve water tariff increase, says Selangor MB
“Pahang, for example, has not been able to bear its huge debt burden because it has not been able to raise tariffs for 30 years. Only Johor has been successful in raising (tariffs) before 2018 because it was able to replace the whole lot of 20,000 pipes that needed to be changed,” he said
Astro Awani: MB Selangor tetap pertahan kos naik taraf stadium RM787 juta
Jelasnya, kerajaan negeri bertegas untuk bertahan dengan kos RM787 juta bagi menaik taraf Stadium Shah Alam merangkumi peralihan dan menaikkan tapak, projek tebatan banjir dan integrasi stesen Aliran Transit Ringan (LRT).
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