Senarai Lokasi Saringan Komuniti COVID-19
Selangor 2025
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Belanjawan Selangor 2020
The latest COVID-19 Management Guidelines can be accessed at
Majlis Berbuka Puasa YAB Perdana Menteri Bersama Pimpinan Masyarakat Tempatan
Negeri Selangor berbesar hati mengalu-alukan kehadiran YAB Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim ke Majlis Berbuka Puasa YAB Perdana Menteri Bersama Pimpinan Masyarakat Tempatan esok.
Asar berjemaah di Surau Ar Raudhah Widuri
Alhamdulillah, menunaikan solat Asar berjemaah di Surau Ar Raudhah Widuri. Usai solat saya menyantuni pengurusan surau dan menyampaikan sumbangan khas.
Tahniah diucapkan kepada Prof. Emeritus Datuk Mohammad Redzuan Othman dan Saudari Tiew Way Keng
Tahniah diucapkan kepada Prof. Emeritus Datuk Mohammad Redzuan Othman dan Saudari Tiew Way Keng atas pelantikan sebagai Senator Dewan Negara mewakili Negeri Selangor.
Asar berjemaah di Surau Ar Raudhah Widuri
Menunaikan solat Asar berjemaah di Surau Ar Raudhah Widuri.
Di Tapak Penjaja Taman Bunga Raya, Bukit Beruntung
Di Tapak Penjaja Taman Bunga Raya, Bukit Beruntung untuk kempen Bazar Ramadan Mampan 2025 dan Kempen Bebas Beg Plastik
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NST: Selangor govt hopes for allocation for flood mitigation projects
As a state that pioneered the aerospace field in Malaysia, Amirudin also hoped that the federal government would provide special incentives for the development of the sector so that it could continue to be developed.
The Star: 97% of nation’s teachers fully vaccinated
“As for those who have not received their vaccine, we will refer the matter to the PSD for the next course of action,” he said.
NST: Booster dose programme expanded to Sinovac recipients from tomorrow
"As a start, the booster dose will be given to individuals aged 60 and above, based on the recommendations by the World Health Organisation's Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (Sage) on Immunisation, which met on Oct 4 to 7, 2021," he said in a press conference today.
Malay Mail: Selangor exco: RM220m bridge linking Selangor, Perak will be completed by May 2025
Selangor Infrastructure and Agriculture Committee chairman Izham Hashim said the project would create a road network connecting Selangor and Perak and the quotation would be issued from January 2022.
Malay Mail: Schools in KL, Selangor, Putrajaya, Melaka under Phase Four of NRP to resume classes Nov 1
According to MoE, for states under Phase Three of the PPN, it will involve the presence of preschool students and those with special needs (MBK) in Sekolah Kebangsaan Pendidikan Khas, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Pendidikan Khas, Sekolah Menengah Pendidikan Khas Vokasional and Program Pendidikan Khas Integrasi.
Malay Mail: KTMB adds ETS, KTM Intercity train services for interstate travellers
“The ETS service will be operational with 12 trips daily compared to only two now. The route covers the sectors of Gemas-Padang Besar, KL Sentral-Ipoh, Gemas-Butterworth and vice versa."
The Sun Daily: COVID-19 situation improving, Malaysia ready to enter endemic phase — Health DG (Updated)
He said a total of 778 ICU cases were recorded in the 40th epidemiology week, dropping by nine per cent compared to the 39th week, while 331 cases requiring respiratory aid in the 40th week registered an 11.2 percent drop compared to the number of cases recorded in the 39th week.
Selangor Journal: Selangor prepares swift response to potential new wave of Covid-19 -Exco
On Sunday, Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad said the Health Ministry is closely tracking the trajectory of the recent wave of a two-fold increase in Covid-19 cases reported by Singapore.
Astro Awani: Selangor tetapkan capaian 5G di kawasan industri cecah 80 peratus tahun ini
Amirudin berkata beliau tidak hanya melihat kepada peningkatan angka atau peratusan liputan semata-mata semasa pembentangan kelak, sebaliknya lebih menjurus kepada kualiti liputan atau kesalinghubungan rangkaian 5G bagi tujuan perindustrian kawasan terbabit.
Metro: Selangor meterai MoU dengan beberapa syarikat teknologi di Jerman
Hulu Selangor: Kerajaan Negeri Selangor menerusi beberapa anak syarikat termasuk Menteri Besar Selangor (Pemerbadanan) (MBI) telah memeterai memorandum persefahaman (MoU) dengan beberapa syarikat teknologi di Jerman untuk memajukan lagi negeri itu. Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Amirudin Shari berkata MoU itu, yang membabitkan syarikat teknologi seperti Siemens, KNX dan Mendix, ditandatangani ketika beliau bersama delegasi Malaysia melawat Jerman baru-baru ini bagi menyertai Hannover Messe iaitu forum dan pameran teknologi. "Ini semua memberikan peluang untuk meningkatkan sumber manusia dalam negeri kita di samping menambah pelaburan bernilai tinggi dan mampu membawa peluang pekerjaan kepada semua rakyat di Selangor," katanya. Beliau berkata demikian ketika berucap pada program Riuh Raya #KitaSelangor 2024 di sini malam ini. Amirudin juga berkata Selangor terbuka untuk menjadi 'rumah' dan 'payung' kepada semua rakyat Malaysia yang berhijrah ke negeri itu atas semangat kebersamaan serta perpaduan.
Sinar Harian: Sultan Selangor titah kerajaan negeri taja 36 jemaah haji
"Baginda turut mengingatkan jemaah agar terus mengekalkan disiplin diri semasa berada di Tanah Suci, serta menjaga nama baik Selangor dan Malaysia," tambah kenyataan itu.
Selangor Kini: MB: Peruntuk dana kebajikan lebih besar, penuhi keperluan semasa rakyat
Amirudin berkata program kebajikan negeri sentiasa ditambah baik termasuk menambah peruntukan beberapa program termasuk Bantuan Kehidupan Sejahtera Selangor (Bingkas), Skim Mesra Usia Emas (SMUE) dan Jom Shopping Perayaan.
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