Senarai Lokasi Saringan Komuniti COVID-19
Selangor 2025
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Belanjawan Selangor 2020
The latest COVID-19 Management Guidelines can be accessed at
Astro Awani: 202 hektar sawah di Selangor akan 'tiru' kaedah penanaman di Sekinchan - Exco
Berdasarkan data Perangkaan Agromakanan 2018 Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, Sekinchan mempelopori hasil padi tertinggi dalam negara apabila merekodkan 12 tan setiap hektar berbanding negeri lain sekitar empat tan.
Menerima khabar duka Ustaz Ismail Bin Haji Zakaria
Menerima khabar duka Ustaz Ismail Bin Haji Zakaria (Ayah kepada YB Datuk Haji Rizam Bin Haji Ismail) telah meninggal dunia.
Seven roads in the Batu Caves area in Selangor will be closed
Seven roads in the Batu Caves area in Selangor will be closed to reduce traffic congestion
Bersama Datuk Seri Panglima Hj Hajiji Haji Noor, Ketua Menteri Sabah
Alhamdulillah pagi ini saya telah melakukan pertemuan rasmi bersama Datuk Seri Panglima Hj Hajiji Haji Noor, Ketua Menteri Sabah, di Kota Kinabalu.
Malay Mail: Selangor Digital School aims to nurture 600 digital talents in 2024
Sidec said the Universiti Selangor students had completed intensive training in data analytics and machine learning, arming themselves with highly sought-after skills in today’s digital economy.
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The Sun Daily: S’gor to give 157,000 vaccine booster shots for free from Dec 8
“All information on receiving the booster dose through the SelVax Booster Programme will be conveyed by the clinics involved through the MySejahtera application,” said Aminudin.
NST: All MBs, CMs agree to amend state laws to enable individuals aged 18 to become election candidates
He said in the meeting, Finance Minister Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz and Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Economy) Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed tabled the 2022 Budget now in debate stage as well as the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP) to all Menteris Besar and Chief Ministers.
Malay Mail: Selangor to receive RM1.756b allocation for 2022 under 12MP, says Tok Pa
Meanwhile, Amirudin said 10 ongoing projects would continue into next year under the 12MP, including building and upgrading the Pulau Indah Ring Road Phase Three at the cost of RM887 million and the construction of a new road at the UMW High-Value Manufacturing Park (UMW HVMP) worth RM121 million in Serendah.
Kosmo: RM1.756 bilion naik taraf infrastruktur Selangor
“Peruntukan untuk projek sambungan termasuk untuk menaik taraf jalan raya, pembinaan jalan baharu di Serendah, pembinaan pusat kardiologi Hospital Serdang dan pembinaan Hospital Tanjung Karang,” katanya.
Malay Mail: Education Ministry: SPM, STAM, UBPA students can check examination timetables
The ministry also advised candidates to refer to the guidelines and standard operating procedure uploaded at its official website ( to ensure that examinations can be conducted smoothly and to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The Sun Daily: Walk-in registration for individuals eligible for booster dose from Nov 22
“Even though the priority of booster dose is for frontliners, security and defence personnel; individuals aged 40 and above; individuals aged 18 and above with comorbidity; occupants and personnel at long term health care centres, pregnant mothers and those required to go overseas,” the statement said.
The Sun Daily: 2022/2023 school term starts on March 21
The academic calendar session for 2022/2023 will run from March 21, 2022 to March 11, 2023 for schools in Group A states, and March 21, 2022 to March 12, 2023 for schools in Group B states.
NST: ECRL construction nears halfway mark, 25 tunnel breakthroughs achieved
Meanwhile, Zuki, who is the Chief Secretary to the Government, said the ECRL project will see the construction of 40 tunnels along its alignment from Kota Baru to Port Klang, with a length of more than 60km between Kota Baru and Port Klang, Selangor.
Selangor TV: Saring awal percuma perkembangan Anak Istimewa Selangor
Kerajaan Selangor menyediakan saringan awal percuma kepada ibu bapa yang memiliki anak berkeperluan khas.
Amirudin Shari & Sanusi Md Nor: Kerjasama Mantap Antara Dua Negeri!
Amirudin Shari, Dato’ Menteri Besar Selangor, bersama Menteri Besar Kedah, Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor, menyaksikan termeterainya Memorandum Persefahaman (MoU) antara KUSEL dan UiDA sebagai langkah strategik untuk berkongsi kepakaran, teknologi, dan khidmat nasihat. Kerjasama ini bukan hanya memperkukuh operasi kedua-dua syarikat tetapi juga membawa manfaat besar kepada rakyat Selangor dan Kedah, membuktikan bahawa kerjasama matang tanpa mengira perbezaan politik adalah kunci kepada pembangunan negara yang lebih baik.
SIBS 2024: Kejayaan Gempak dengan Nilai Transaksi RM12.2 Bilion!
Sepanjang siri pertama SIBS, sebanyak 23 surat setuju terima (LOA), surat hasrat (LOI), memorandum perjanjian (MoA), dan memorandum persefahaman (MoU) telah dimeterai. Jumlah nilai transaksi daripada rundingan yang dilakukan dan pertukaran dokumen mencecah RM12.2 bilion tahun ini, melepasi sasaran RM7 bilion yang ditetapkan untuk keseluruhan SIBS 2024.
Amirudin Shari Announces High-Paying Jobs for Engineers at Selangor’s Semiconductor Park!
The semiconductor park is not just about infrastructure and technology; it’s about people. We understand that attracting and retaining top talent is crucial for the success of any high-tech initiative. That’s why we are proud to offer fresh engineering graduates salaries that are on par with those offered in Singapore and Vietnam. This move ensures that we can draw the best and brightest minds to Selangor, driving our state’s technological advancements.
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