Senarai Lokasi Saringan Komuniti COVID-19
Selangor 2025
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Belanjawan Selangor 2020
The latest COVID-19 Management Guidelines can be accessed at
The Sun Daily: Selangor MB Amirudin hopes to pull out a win in Gombak, says not ‘new’ to constituency
“So it is quite challenging and I am facing an incumbent, but I am not new in Gombak and we hope that we can pull our shots and make sure that we can win and return Gombak to PH in the election,” the Sungai Tua state assemblyman said.
The Sun Daily: Sungai Klang flood mitigation project to be completed within five years
“Work to deepen and widen the river will focus on two blocks, namely the Taman Sri Muda area and we are targeting 30 per cent of this area to be ready by end of this year. The SA06 area, namely Kota Kemuning will be our initial operating site.
Sinar Harian: Projek pendalaman Sungai Klang bermula semalam- MB
Beliau berkata, ia meliputi 12 zon menerusi empat blok utama kawasan titik panas banjir sekitar sungai berkenaan, bermula dari Mid Valley, Kuala Lumpur ke Pelabuhan Klang, dekat sini.
Selangor Kini: MPKS tawar diskaun 50 peratus kompaun pelbagai kesalahan
Kempen berkenaan bertujuan memberi ruang kepada orang awam menjelaskan kompaun mereka bermula hari ini hingga 15 Disember depan, menurut pihak berkuasa tempatan itu.
Memperkenalkan Bantuan Kehidupan Sejahtera Selangor (BINGKAS)
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Selangor Kini: Selangor naib juara pavilion terbaik MAHA 2022
Ir Izham Hashim memaklumkan ia membabitkan program pertanian bernilai tinggi, inovasi tanaman dan akuakultur serta projek kajian dan penyelidikan (R&D) hingga menembusi pasaran.
Selangor Journal: Commonwealth Games gold medalist M. Thinaah recieves special contribution from Sentosa
“We take pride in a person of Selangor, who is also a native of Sentosa, winning gold in the Commonwealth Games. This sets an example for other youths to strive in bringing glory to the country’s name."
BERNAMA: Agrofood sector provides business opportunities for young people - MAHA 2022
The public can visit the Agro Youth Cluster exhibition site at Hall C, MAEPS Serdang during MAHA 2022 to get more information on the facilities.
Selangor TV: 300 produk usahawan agro Selangor dijual - MAHA 2022
Pelbagai produk usahawan agro Selangor dipamerkan di Pavilion Selangor sempena Pameran Pertanian, Hortikultur dan Agropelancongan Malaysia (MAHA) 2022 di MAEPS, Serdang sehingga 14 Ogos ini. Pengarah Lembaga Pemasaran Pertanian Persekutuan (FAMA) Negeri Selangor, Aiada Abdul Rashid berkata produk daripada 50 usahawan Selangor dengan 300 unit simpanan stok (SKU) dijual secara runcit di bawah Agromart.
Selangor Kini: Ganjaran buat dua atlet Selangor menang di Sukan Komanwel
Pengarah Eksekutif MSN Selangor Mohamad Nizam Marjugi berkata ganjaran akan diserahkan dalam masa terdekat selepas perbincangan bersama Dato’ Menteri Besar Dato’ Seri Amirudin Shari.
Malaysia Kini: COVID-19 (Aug 8): 2,863 new cases, 6 deaths
Over the past week, an average of 7.9 people were reported to have died of COVID-19, while the average for the past 30 days was 7.4, indicating that Covid-19 deaths are on the uptrend.
Malay Mail: Malaysia’s population rises to 32.7 million in 2022, but growth rate curtailed by restrictions on non-citizens - Statistics Dept
"The citizens' population increased from 30 million in 2021 to 30.2 million in 2022 with the growth rate decreasing from 0.8 per cent to 0.7 per cent over the same period,” he said with the release of the Current Population Estimates 2022 report.
SIBS 2024: Kejayaan Gempak dengan Nilai Transaksi RM12.2 Bilion!
Sepanjang siri pertama SIBS, sebanyak 23 surat setuju terima (LOA), surat hasrat (LOI), memorandum perjanjian (MoA), dan memorandum persefahaman (MoU) telah dimeterai. Jumlah nilai transaksi daripada rundingan yang dilakukan dan pertukaran dokumen mencecah RM12.2 bilion tahun ini, melepasi sasaran RM7 bilion yang ditetapkan untuk keseluruhan SIBS 2024.
Amirudin Shari Announces High-Paying Jobs for Engineers at Selangor’s Semiconductor Park!
The semiconductor park is not just about infrastructure and technology; it’s about people. We understand that attracting and retaining top talent is crucial for the success of any high-tech initiative. That’s why we are proud to offer fresh engineering graduates salaries that are on par with those offered in Singapore and Vietnam. This move ensures that we can draw the best and brightest minds to Selangor, driving our state’s technological advancements.
Selangor Journal: Selangor aims stronger GDP growth, compete with major regional cities by 2025 - MB
However, the Menteri Besar reminded the participants to pay off their outstanding loans, emphasising that the funds would be redistributed to other eligible entrepreneurs.
Malay Mail: Madani govt’s focus on reviving the economy, creating better quality of life for the people, says finance minister II
“This includes efforts made by the government such as bringing in foreign direct investment through various programmes and missions,” he said in his first press conference since being appointed to the Cabinet on December 12, 2023, here today.
Selangor Kini: Negeri selesai tuntutan skim insurans hampir RM1 juta babit 91 penerima
“Bagi mereka yang telah tamat polisi konvensional, mereka masih boleh melakukan pendaftaran menerusi skim INSAN Takaful. Tiada masalah,” katanya kepada Selangorkini.
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