

Selangor Journal: Waqf Selangor donates RM40,000 to build school assembly area

SHAH ALAM, Jan 11 — The Selangor Waqf Corporation (Waqf Selangor) handed over a donation of RM40,000 to the People’s Religious School (SAR) Kafa Integrasi Darussalim, Batu 7 Sempadan, Sijangkang, Kuala Langat.

Waqf Selangor announced on Facebook that the fisbilillah waqf contribution was for the construction of a covered assembly area and a concrete floor for the benefit of the school.

“Waqf Selangor Corporate Division Manager Muhammad Hafiz Bahari presented a cheque with the donation to SAR Kafa Integrasi Darussalim principal Heryanti Saharudin.

A cash waqf information session was also conducted by Ustaz Ibnu Hubain Abdul Aziz as the Executive of the Collection and Distribution Unit at the Corporate Division of Waqf Selangor to all the schoolteachers,” he said.

In the same meeting, Waqf Selangor added, educators also had the opportunity to implement the sunnah practice of waqf through salary deductions and direct cash payments.

The establishment of Waqf Selangor, a subsidiary of the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais), was the brainchild of His Majesty the Sultan of Selangor.  It was gazetted on January 11, 2011.

In 2009, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah ordered Mais to establish Waqf Selangor so that waqf management can be empowered in the same manner as zakat management.

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