

Selangor Journal: Selangor mulls proposal of medical coverage cost aid for ill former athletes

SHAH ALAM, April 17 — The state government is looking at a proposal to help cover treatment costs for Selangor’s former or disabled athletes suffering from high-risk diseases.

State executive councillor for sports Mohd Khairuddin Othman said he will work in tandem with the National Athlete Welfare Foundation (Yakeb) to identify the athletes who need assistance.

“There have been suggestions, but it is a matter of cooperation between the state government and Yakeb.

“We can provide assistance in infrastructural terms, whereas Yakeb will function to provide us with the athletes who need aid,” he told SelangorKini.

Mohd Khairuddin added the Atlet Ceria Selangor programme, which has been running for the past four years, focuses on home improvement assistance as well as purchasing household appliances for its recipients.

InsyaAllah, we will examine on how best to provide aid to these ill athletes,” he said.

Earlier this month, national football legend Khalid Ali was reported to be suffering from lung cancer and is awaiting confirmation on what stage it is.

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