

Selangor Journal: MBI, two other firms donate RM100,000 to orphans

KLANG, Aug 27 — The Selangor Menteri Besar Incorporated (MBI) distributed RM100,000 in cash collected as part of its ‘Ride of Hope’ programme to 100 orphans.

Chief operating officer Saipolyazan M Yusop said each of the orphans received RM1,000 in cash as a result of a collaboration by MBI, The Sea Capital and Econframe Berhad in May..

Saipolyazan said MBI is grateful to the two other companies involved. who come together to collect funds to help the orphans with their educational needs.

The Sea Capital managing director Dato Derrick Hooi handed out the donations to the recipients.

“This kind of cooperation is what we want in Malaysia regardless of religion. MBI itself allocates RM30 to RM40 million a year as part of its corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme for the people of Selangor.

“Now there are two other companies that want to participate in MBI’s CSR by donating and benefiting 100 orphans. We welcome any company that wants to work with MBI for the CSR programme,” he said.

Meanwhile, Econframe Berhad managing director Lim Chin Horng said he was happy to work with MBI to contribute cash to the orphans.

“This is the first collaboration with MBI and the purpose is to help orphans in education so that the future is brighter.

“Even though it has just started, it is hoped that this collaboration will be a trigger for the company to continue collaborating to help the needy.”

In the meantime, The Sea Capital managing director, Dato’ Derrick Hooi said his company always carries out CSR programmes aimed at easing  the burdens of society regardless of age.

“We always give help to orphans, disabled people and anyone in need. But this time the approach was quite different, we worked with MBI to channel the aid.

“With cooperation like this, it will lead to other programmes that will help  more beneficiaries.”

Meanwhile, a recipient of the aid, Wan Mohammad Haziq Wan Mohd Azhan, 21, said he would use the aid received to buy textbooks for his studies at Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM).

“I am grateful for receiving RM1,000 in aid because the cost of textbooks at the university is quite expensive these days.

“With this help, we can help at the same time ease the burden of the mother who works as a clerk and has to support her three younger siblings who are still in school,” he said.

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