

Selangor Journal: Exco: New policy for working mums enhances social well-being, more flexible hours

SHAH ALAM, June 20 — The social well-being of women, particularly working mothers, will receive more attention under the recently unveiled Selangor Women’s Policy and Action Plan 2024–2026, said the state executive councillor for women’s empowerment and welfare Anfaal Saari.

While the policy’s finer details are near completion, one of the major recommendations is to introduce flexible working hours, especially for working mothers, to promote labour participation among this demographic.

“A flexible working schedule or arrangement incentivises women, especially those with families, to participate in the labour market.

“Overall, a higher participation of women in the labour market will also help drive economic growth for the state and subsequently increase Selangor’s economic output for the country,” she told Selangor Journal when contacted yesterday.

Anfaal said the state is pursuing flexible working hours, including working-from-home arrangements, as implemented during the pandemic.

Such working conditions would provide a better work-life balance, especially for mothers who still have to care for their children at home.

She said that Selangor is also looking to introduce childcare leave and an employee’s entitled sick and annual or emergency leave.

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