The Star: Applications for education aid under Selangor zakat board open from Monday (Oct 3)

SHAH ALAM: Applications for the Lembaga Zakat Selangor (LZS) educational assistance through the Sumbangan Pendidikan Zakat Anak Selangor (SPZAS) for primary and secondary schools as well as institutions of higher learning (IPT) are open from Monday (Oct 3).
LZS said that a total of RM20mil in zakat (tithe) contributions had been allocated for educational aid of Muslims in the state and applications can be made at the website until Dec 3.
"SPZAS is open to all Malaysians who are Muslims, born and living in Selangor or have been staying in Selangor for not less than three years,” the board said in a statement Monday.
LZS said the applicant’s household income must exceed haddul kifayah, which is the sufficiency line to determine an asnaf (tithe recipient), but the excess amount must not exceed the maximum of RM11,000.
According to the statement, every SPZAS application for primary and secondary school will receive assistance based on the number of dependents at a rate of RM200 per person and every SPZAS application for IPT will receive aid from RM700 to RM2,500.
However, tithe recipients, the poor and Muslim converts who receive educational sponsorship from LZS cannot apply for the aid and can refer to the nearest LZS branch or the assistant amil kariah to apply for educational aid if needed, it explained.
The SPZAS is aimed at helping to ease the burden of the non-asnaf group (tithe recipients, the poor and Muslim converts), especially those in the B40 and M40 who require assistance to meet their educational needs using the provisions under asnaf fisabilillah. - Bernama